Description about grant opportunties and why dealers should apply/how often we update these grants. For any questions contact Cassidey, etc. Description about grant opportunties and why dealers should apply/how often we update these grants. For any questions contact Cassidey, etc. Description about grant opportunties and why dealers should apply/how often we update these grants. For any questions contact Cassidey, etc. Description about grant opportunties and why dealers should apply/how often we update these grants. For any questions contact Cassidey, etc. Description about grant opportunties and why dealers should apply/how often we update these grants. For any questions contact Cassidey, etc.
government funds
WaterSMART Grants – Water and Energy Efficiency Grants – Round 2 Bureau of Reclamation Description: Through WaterSMART Water and Energy Efficiency Grants (formerly Challenge Grants) Reclamation provides 50/50 cost share funding to irrigation and water districts, tribes, states and other entities with water or power delivery authority. Projects conserve and use water more efficiently; increase the production of hydropower; mitigate conflict risk in areas at a high risk of future water conflict; and accomplish other benefits that contribute to water supply reliability in the western United States. Projects are selected through a competitive process and the focus is on projects that can be completed within two or three years.
Application Opens: November 14, 2023 Application Closes: November 13, 2024 Selections Announced: May 2025 Funding Awarded: October 2025
Idaho Specialty Crop Block Grant Program Idaho State Department of Agriculture Description: Specialty crop grant funding is provided by the United States Department of Agriculture and is allocated to the state to be awarded through a competitive grant process. The Idaho State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) conducts an annual competitive solicitation process to award Specialty Crop Block Grant Program (SCBGP) funds to projects that enhance the competitiveness of Idaho specialty crops.
Application Opens: November 2024 Application Closes: February 2025 Selections Announced: March 2025
Eligibility: Projects must enhance the competitiveness of Idaho grown specialty crops in either domestic or foreign markets and must provide a benefit to more than a single organization, institution, or individual. Specialty crops include fruits and vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, horticulture, and nursery crops, including floriculture. For a list of eligible and ineligible specialty crops, see Specialty Crop Definition.
Aging Infrastructure Grants Idaho Department of Water Resources (IDWR) Description: During its 2022 session, the Idaho legislature appropriated to the Idaho Water Resource Board (IWRB) $75,000,000 to “be used for expenditures, loans, or grants for water projects, including studies, to address water sustainability, rehabilitate or improve aging water infrastructure or support flood management.” Projects that rehabilitate or improve Idaho’s water infrastructure support the Idaho economy, provide economic value, and ensures long-term water resource stability and sustainability. Pursuant to House Bill 769, the IWRB has developed these criteria to provide financial assistance on a statewide competitive basis through grants to eligible entities interested in pursuing eligible projects to rehabilitate or improve aging water infrastructure.
Application Opens: Application Closes: August 2025
Eligibility: The IWRB defines an aging water infrastructure project as any new project, or new phase of an improvement project intended to repair, maintain, replace, or improve existing infrastructure that supports irrigation water delivery, storage, drainage, treatment, and use of water for irrigation. Projects that are already completed or underway by the application deadline are not eligible for this funding opportunity. Additionally, for purposes of this grant program, the term ‘aging water infrastructure’ does not include municipal drinking or wastewater systems. Eligible Entities: Irrigation Districts, Irrigation Boards of Control, Canal Companies, Drainage Districts, Groundwater Districts, Ditch Companies, Lateral Ditch Users Associations, Reservoir Districts, Municipal Irrigation Districts (formed per Title 42, chapter 18, Idaho Code),Municipalities, Counties and Water Districts Contact: Neeley Miller [email protected] or [email protected]