EXpOSITION & EDUCATIONThe IIEA was started in 1971 to showcase the products of the irrigation industry. The Idaho Irrigation Equipment Show & Conference is held each year in January at different locations across the state.
SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMThe IIEA has established a scholarship program to encourage young people to enter the agricultural and landscape irrigation fields. In 2023, the association, – through the generous donations of its members – awarded $12,100 in scholarships to 20 deserving students. The IIEA has awarded 862 scholarships totaling $524,100 since 1980. The IIEA’s Scholarship Program received the Idaho Governor’s Award for Excellence in Agriculture in the Education/Advocacy category at the 2012 Larry Branen Idaho Ag Summit.
LEGISLATIVE MONITORINGThe IIEA is a member of the Idaho Water Users Association, the Coalition for Idaho Water, and the Irrigation Association. This gives us state and national representation on water issues. We forward information by email to our members to keep them abreast of the current water issues.
CONTACTIdaho Irrigation Equipment Association
55 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 100 Meridian, ID 83642 SEND US A MESSAGE |